Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The way we communicate-Eye contact

One of the important things that we use when we communicate with other people is eye contact. As it is important in every culture, also it can make culture shock by the way of its development in its own culture. In Korea, straight eye contact with order person is regarded as a rude behavior. As I am used to avoid eye contact with others those who live here in U.S, when I talk with them, I had to try change my concept i had learned from my culture.


  1. That's so true! And when I am with people who don't make eye contact, it is easy to think they are unfriendly.

  2. I have read about that in some book. When you are younger than the person who talk to you, you cannot look at them but you have to bow your head a little bit. Therefore, I know it is so hard for you to change your habit when you live here. However, I believe that you can do it!
